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Exploring decision-making journeys

Recently we have helped a number of our clients establish the paths to purchase, review the triggers to churn, and explore both pre- and post-purchase attitudes and behaviours.

Identifying loyalty levers

We have been working across Africa and the Middle East to help Orange build a comprehensive retention model. We regularly work across a wide range of international markets.

Segmenting the children's reading market

Working with a leading reading charity to segment their market, so that they can enhance understanding and build a motivating communications strategy.

Facilitating change at board level

We have been commissioned to work with HMRC to help coordinate all of their closeness sessions. From large-scale events to accompanied surfs, we have the tools and knowhow to help you get your stakeholders  closer to their customers.

Using micro-communities for SMEs

Using a combination of digital approaches, we have engaged hard to reach B2B decision makers in small ad-hoc communities. The progressive reveal of tasks creates a richness of feedback that has helped refine communication messaging hierarchies, understand business needs, and beta test new products and services.

Harnessing brand equity
for a leading media company
Harnessing brand equity
for a leading media company

We created a brand equity toolkit that gave our broadcast client the ability to best harness their future event activity – maximising attribution and engagement across platforms. We did this by adopting a mixed methodology that unlocked attendee opinions at different points in time and attributed these back to their brand affinity.

Helping Pearson to develop new qualifications

We have been helping Pearson develop new qualifications within the challenges of the changing educational landscape. Co-creation workshops with teachers have allowed Pearson to balance the requirement for detail with a broader strategy for change.

Digging into the subconscious

Working with a leading mobile network to understand reactions towards comms that aimed to instigate action. Eye-tracking added a layer of understanding that helped uncover subconscious engagement, leading to structural and messaging refinement. 

Segmenting the children's reading market
Capturing in-the-moment feedback

We have been using our new app to capture in-the-moment video and photo reactions, that have helped us expand our retail, FMCG, and advertising feedback, as well as bringing our pre-tasking into the world of the smartphone.

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